Acrostic poem

I was learning how to create a poem about me and and thing i do like hunting, being kind and fishing. I of course really liked how I can share how I act like and what I like. A easy part is was the text and the name because I know how to spell my […]

Real or Fake

Today we were making us do something impossible in school like flying and super strength.  The thing I really like is when canva added something that would make my character move there from there. The hardest part would have to be starting from scratch and making the backgrounds and taking my full body.  Next time […]

Freashwater animals.

I was learning about how to make my own comic book about a crayfish that has to defend itself from other crayfish and an eel. I found it really easy to choose a crayfish that can represent the crayfish that I was looking for and the other crayfish trying to steal its nest. I didn’t […]

My Pepeha

I was learning how to make my Pepeha online and learning more about my Pepeha except for the Iwi and mountain. I really, really enjoyed how my brain was refreshed about my Pepeha because I really want to reconnect to my Maori Pepeha. It was quite hard to get rid of the Pepeha words I […]

Anzac Ted

I learned that being a book character can actually be very fun and how to use the microphone.  I really enjoyed how there were images that could represent my country. The hard part was trying to get the recording and only my voice because everyone was talking around. The really easy part was taking a […]


Today we were making Matariki stars so that we can celebrate our Maori culture. I really enjoyed the stars because they would move like I wanted to do or I would have to go through time taking slides. I really thought that it was hard to duplicate all the slides and add all that movement […]

Matariki landscaping

Today I was learning about how to polyline and landscape mountains, Matariki stars, some sun and night sky. The hardest thing was the mountains because I made them curve so it looked real because the mountains aren’t straight. The easy thing was the background because all I had to do was polyline behind the mountains […]

Draw a Star

Today I was learning about that 2 triangles can make a 6 pointer star and learn how to use a GEO board on online if you don’t have one. I really just really enjoyed that the Geo board can give you so much band that you can make any anything. aaaTHe that was hard was […]